Bryce Wong x the7thFl

Bryce Wong is a footwear designer at Nike working on the SB collection. He is also a prolific artist with large following on social media closing in on a 100k followers. His most common media is ink on paper and themes touch on pop culture and nostalgic themes.

This piece was inspired by Bryce’s references to pop culture. The drawing we wanted to work from was the combination of the Mickey Mouse hand bisected, exposing the “Cool S” hiding inside. The nostalgic and cultural elements made it the perfect base to create a centerpiece.

That piece for us was a neon style light, where it would flicker between two states invoking the motion suggested in the original piece.

It would go on to be highlight for Bryce Wong’s first solo show.

The warm nostalgic pink glow from the light perfectly compliments the youthful content. The piece is programmed to hover between states, or remain static on your preferred setting.

Natalia Szabla 2022